Herbal Remedies To Increase Erection Size And Perform Better In Bedroom

The male organ is innervated with a set of perineal nerves and dorsal penile. The nerves are, mainly, a set of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, and it also contains the motor somatic and sensory nerves. The specialized structure of the organ allows it to sense pain, touch, pressure and temperature etc. Injury to the organ can cause impairment in the transmission of impulses and this can be associated to neurogenic erectile dysfunction.

Weak Erection Treatment Remedy

Certain injuries and blockages in the blood flow can cause reduction in the size of the male organ and in later stages; it can reduce stimulation and sensitivity of the organ. Study on men with peripheral neuropathy found the problem of loss of sensory function was greater in people with ED and an inclusive cure mechanism is needed to help in recovery from such condition to help one perform better in bedroom.

Poor blood flow to the male organ causes loss of erectile functions, and this is a critical condition where the dorsal penile function and the function of the perineal nerves are disturbed. Study on poor erectile function finds neuropathy to be a significant aspect of the loss of sensitivity. Penile dysfunction treatment to increase erection size provide a set of bio ingredients to recover from such loss of sensory functions. It can nourish human tissues and eliminate toxins in the form of mineral bioaccumulation and fats from tissues. It enhances elasticity of the tissues by improving blood flow to the tiny blood vessels of the male organs.

Withania somnifera is one of the ingredients in the herbal remedies to increase erection size - Bluze capsules, which displays adrenergic signaling effects to help a person to perform better in bedroom and it was also responsible for anti depressant effects. Further, its intake was able to prevent serotonin loss in rats (as tested in laboratory) and this was due to corticosterone reducing properties. The herb is rich in antioxidants and has neuro protective effects. Its intake prevented the increase in nNOS responsible for memory loss. Various studies claim it can protect the dopaminergic neurons during morphine withdrawal. Its intake was able to prevent motor function in stroke induced rats. In humans, the intake of the herb for 60 days was able to improve social behavior and interaction with people as assessed by health questionnaires.

Moti or pearl is another key component of the herbal remedy for erectile dysfunction to increase erection size, Bluze capsules which have properties to prevent hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Its intake can reduce wrinkles and aging symptoms as it works on the builder cells in the connective tissues to promote fibroblasts and keep the organ in shape. The extract of Moti can be taken to prevent loss of shape of the male organ due to weakness of connective tissues and aging. It can improve immune functions and provide cellular protection. It enhances memory and learning, while, its regular intake can reduce stress, relieves pain and calm nerves. It increases the production of NA, 5 HT and 5 HIAA in the brain and can elevate the production of mood enhancing neurotransmitters to help to perform better in bedroom.


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