Reasons for Early Discharge of Sperm to Cure Premature Ejaculation Naturally

At least one-third men globally suffer from premature ejaculation PE where the response to stimulation and loss of neuro excitation is sudden and uninhibited. Research state penile sensitivity is not the only cause for such condition. This was interpreted by a vibrator test where vibrator was used on men suffering from PE and the results were compared with those without PE.

Cure Premature Ejaculation Naturally

Scientific evidence states the intake of SSRI - helps in managing PE and pudendal nerve has a role in it. The process is a reflex with no point of return and is governed by somatic nerves through the pudendal nerve (S2-S4). Disorders arise when the nerves are damaged. This is tested by checking blood samples for testosterone, and bladder urine for the presence of sperm, where low pH indicates an obstruction in the flow of seminal fluids. This is one of the reasons for early discharge of sperm.

Other reasons for early discharge of sperm is nerve hypersensitivity, which is a kind of fragility where the person is unable to get control over erection and emissions, and cure to regulate oversensitivity has a role in preventing such conditions of PE. Similar nerve weakness is seen in Parkinson where a link of nutrient deficiencies to poor brain functions has already been established, whilst, rigid involuntary movement, shaking, loss of automatic movement and muscle stiffness are also related to stress and can cause involuntary semen outflow in men.

Dhat syndrome is believed to be one of the reasons for early discharge of sperm, a common phenomenon in many young people who suffer from weakness, insomnia, palpitation, chronic fatigue and performance anxiety due to such release. The herb such as Withania somnifera in NF Cure and Vital M-40 capsules can cure stress - one of the causes of PE.

It works in non-specific ways to reduce the impact of stress. It protects arteries, lowers lipid levels, works as an adaptogen and reduces blood clotting to promote cardio protection, and if taken with Guggulu, can raise blood pressure. It reduces the transformation speed of undigested carbohydrates to triglycerides and protects the body from coronary heart conditions.

Natural remedies for early discharge of semen - NF Cure and Vital M-40 capsules contains Terminalia Chebula that prevents neuronal death or cell death due to mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, excite-toxicity, low mental stamina and poor metabolism to herbal excessive precum treatment. It has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of Gallic and Chebulagic acids. Terminalia has membrane stabilizing antioxidants, anti-lipid per oxidative properties, phenolic compounds (that have neuroprotective activities) and anti-aging properties.

The ingredient Asphaltum punjabinum is prepared at freezing low temperature and contains about 10 percent Fulvic acid. The compound prepared after processing is highly hygroscopic and absorbs a lot of water. Fulvic acid in Asphaltum enhances energy, immunity, stamina and it provides a way to treat anemia, diabetes, renal calculi, genitor-urinary disorders, debility, hemorrhoids etc. It contains chemicals such as albuminoids, chemo proteins, Dibenzo alpha pyrones and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, manganese etc., to alleviate deficiencies and cure premature ejaculation naturally. 


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